In a world where democracy is constantly questioned and distrust of institutional and traditional forms of government is increasing, civil society is opening up an opportunity to deepen the exploration and reencounter with the deliberative practices of the global south. It is time to recognize the unique forms of conversation, argumentation and decision making that communities have designed in different contexts, as spaces where global and local governance is nurtured.

In Demo.Reset 2.0 through the agents of change (Demoreseters) we will follow the stories of multiple organizations, alliances and deliberative practices that share common challenges and solutions, seeking collective action strategies, deconstructing and resignifying, in order to overcome the barriers to deliberation in our territories.

Who are DemoReseters:
Agents of change?

In the journey of communities, change agents, whom we will call DemoReseters, are those who share the creative spirit to transform and/or nurture local/global governance models and have multiple powers to carry out their deliberative processes.

Why is this necessary?

The conditions of global citizenship have changed rapidly and traditional approaches to deliberation and democratic participation require transformations that recognize the differential practices constructed from citizenship and from the global south.

It is time to broaden dialogues from the South and nurture traditional forms of deliberation with modifications and adaptations coming from unexpected and unique communities and processes. In this way they will contribute to a permanent citizenship where memory and narrative will strengthen expanded and diverse governance.

Differential deliberation practices

Demo.Reset 2.0 allows them to recognize their strengths and facilitate exchanges to learn from each other’s common challenges. Some organizations are adept at engaging local communities, while others are strong in designing methodologies for deliberation. By weaving and strengthening the bridges of this community of practice, Demo.Reset 2.0 becomes a compass that directs to new encounters and adventures in the journey of deliberation in the global South.

What is a differential practice?

A differential deliberative practice is a methodology, process, space, and/or tool for conversation that brings together the visions, opinions or thoughts of diverse groups of people to consider carefully and thoughtfully the pros and cons of a decision before adopting it. Sometimes this practice can reach consensus and/or influence local authorities on a topic of common interest.

The stages

The world of common goals, the call for adventure

Demoreset 2.0 launches its call for DemoReseters from the Global South!, change agents (Demoreseters) who want to connect in Sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia, India, Eastern Europe and Latin America.

Developing powers and strategies: The revelation.

Demoreseters from the Global South share their unique powers and strategies to overcome obstacles in an exciting collaborative game.

The world - crossing the threshold

A collaborative journey through the Global South: exploring five regions, overcoming challenges, sharing wisdom and practices. Focus on connecting needs and solutions.

The call for global collaboration

The journey becomes a global collaboration. The organizations and communities that have completed their technical and methodological accompaniment process to strengthen their differential practices.

Melisa Ross

PhD candidate at the Berlin Graduate School for Social Sciences (BGSS) of Humboldt University in Berlin, Germany, and a research fellow of the Healthier Democracies project led by Public Agenda in New York, USA. “My research focuses on the Latin- American left turn, postneoliberalism, citizen participation and democratic innovations”.

We’re happy to announce our latest call for applications, designed specifically for organizations from the Global South like yours, is NOW OPEN! 🚀 This is your chance to join us in strengthening democratic practices!

This is a great opportunity for increasing your organization’s impact! Don’t miss it!
Get started by reading our👉 terms of reference👈

🌟Let’s shape the future of democracy together! 🌟

Azucena Morán

Research associate at the Institute for Sustainability Research – Helmholtz Center Potsdam. Her transdisciplinary work explores deliberative and participatory responses to planetary challenges. She serves on the Editorial Board of Participedia and on the Steering Committee on Democratic Innovations of the European Consortium for Policy Research (ECPR).

Yanina Welp

Associate researcher at the Albert Hirschman Center on Democracy, Graduate Institute, Geneva (Switzerland) and editorial coordinator of Agenda Pública. Between 2016 and 2019 she was co-director of the Latin American Zurich Center, at the University of Zurich. She has a PhD in Political and Social Sciences from the Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona, Spain) and a degree in Political Science and Social Communication Sciences, both from the University of Buenos Aires (Argentina). She obtained the Habilitation with the Venia Legendi in Latin American Studies from the University of St.Gallen (Switzerland). She is co-founder of the Red de Politólogas. She specializes in the study of political participation, a topic on which she has published books, articles, and book chapters.

Claudia Chwalisz

Claudia is the lead author of the first OECD report on deliberative democracy: Innovative Citizen Participation and New Democratic Institutions: Catching the Deliberative Wave (2020; co-authored with Ieva Cesnulaityte), and she led the development of the OECD Good Practice Principles for Deliberative Processes. She oversaw the development of the OECD Evaluation Guidelines for Representative Deliberative Processes (2021) is the author of a new OECD paper on Eight Ways to Institutionalise Deliberative Democracy (2021). She co-ordinated the OECD Innovative Citizen Participation Network of leading international practitioners, academics, public servants, artists, and designers, and she edited the OECD’s online digest Participo.

Yago Bermejo

Yago has been working on democratic participation projects for more than 10 years. He has experience in facilitation, process design and strategies for the use of democratic digital tools. From 2016 to 2019, he has been responsible for ParticipaLab, a democratic innovation laboratory, at Medialab Prado, in coordination with the Participation Area of the Madrid City Council, in which he has developed numerous projects related to Decide Madrid as well as the design of the Observatory of the City and the G1000 of Madrid, pioneering experiences in the use of lottery and deliberation in Spain.

Susan Lee

Susan is a student and democracy practitioner from Seoul, South Korea. In 2020, she co-founded the World Citizens’ Assembly, a prototype for a global citizen’s assembly based on iterative pilot testing, with Yago Bermejo Abati. In 2021, Deliberativa began co-incubating the Global Assembly, the first sortition-selected global citizens’ assembly in the lead-up to COP26. Deliberativa coordinated the delivery of pilot tests on multilingual virtual deliberation to inform the final Assembly design. As part of the Implementation Circle, Susan supported the recruitment and management of 100+ global partners to implement a decentralized sortition and train local hosts of Assembly participants. In the fall of 2021, she co-designed and implemented the deliberative process and output consolidation methodology. Susan has been the main spokesperson for the GA since the project launched; you can see some of Susan’s media work here and here. Susan is interested in imagining participative models of global governance, decolonizing deliberative democracy, and placing youth at the front of the deliberative wave.

Maria Paulina Ibarra

Executive Director of Fundación Multitudes, a non-profit organization based in Chile. She has global experience in transparency, citizen participation and accountability, having worked with organizations such as Open Government Partnership and the World Bank. She holds a BA in Communication from Marymount University, and an MA in Communication from Georgetown University.

Andre Noel Roth

He is a Political Scientist (1990), Master in Political Science (1994) and Doctor in Economic and Social Sciences, mention in Political Science (1999) from the Université de Genève-Switzerland. He has been professor of public policy analysis in Switzerland and in several universities in Colombia and Latin America. Since 2006, he is a Research Professor (currently tenured) attached to the Department of Political Science of the Faculty of Law, Political and Social Sciences (FDCPyS) of the National University of Colombia, Bogotá. He has held the positions of Coordinator of the Doctorate in Political Studies and International Relations, Director of the journal Ciencia Política, Director of the Instituto de Investigación Socio-jurídica UNIJUS and Vice-Dean of Research and Extension of the FDCPyS. He is also Director of the Research Group “Analysis of Public Policies and Public Management”. Public Policy and Public Management Analysis” (APPGP) (category B Colciencias 2021), Coordinator of the Innovation in Governance Innovation in Governance Laboratory (GobLab) of the FDCPyS, Co-coordinator of the group Comparative Public Policy group of ALACIP and Co-editor of the journal Mundos Plurales (FLACSO-Ecuador). Ecuador). He has published several books and dozens of chapters and articles on public policy and administration. administration.

HUB Eastern Europe

Connect with your Regional Mobilizer
Regional Leader: Melina Mohoric
Location: Dubrovnik, Croatia

Mosaic. Shaping Ideas into Success Stories.

Mission: Supporting cities, associations, and businesses in transforming ideas into successful projects. Mosaic specializes in participatory budgeting and inclusive work methodologies.
Zagreb: +385 99 536 1054
Dubrovnik:  +385 99 536 1054

Hub of Sub-Saharan Africa

Connect with your Regional Mobilizer
Regional Leader: Obi Jane

Location: Kaduna, Nigeria
Centre for Peace Advancement and Socio-Economic Development (CPAED)
Mission: Advocating for deliberative democracy, non-violent conflict management, and improving socio-economic conditions of women, youth, and children. 
Building Peace, transforming lives

HUB Southeast Asia and India

Connect with your Regional Mobilizer

Regional Leader:Sanskriti Menon
Location: India
Organization: Centre for Environment Education (CEE)
Mission: Enhancing understanding of sustainable development. CEE focuses on innovative educational programs, building capacities for sustainable development.
Transforming Education for Sustainable Futuresn 

HUB Latin America

Get to know the Latin America Organizations. 
Resurgentes Regional Leader: 

Mission: Implementing four climate assemblies in vulnerable Latin American cities. 
Consortium Resurgentes is forging alliances for impactful climate change agenda.

Consorcio de Localidades en Acción CILA 

Asuntos de Sur, Argentina
Fundación Ciudadanía Inteligente, Chile
Procomum, Brasil
Extituto de Política Abierta, Colombia

Mission: Promoting collective intelligence on citizen deliberation in Latin America, presenting joint projects for environmental agendas with a gender perspective.


Deliberation is understood as a conversation among diverse actors and with diverse opinions in which space, time, methodologies and procedures are available so that the actors involved can carefully consider the pros and cons of a decision before adopting it, seek the best ways to express their opinions and/or influence the decisions of local authorities on a topic of common interest.


  • The differential of the practices is related in the first place to the specific community origin of those who develop them: Indigenous peoples, LGTBIQ+ Communities, collectives or other forms of association and collaboration between young people, women and social movements.
  • The differential of the practices is related in second place; with the singular forms, procedures, aesthetics and rituals, which have been developed by the communities to carry out conversations, processes of informed decision making and actions of influence on local authorities. In this context, the differential is centered on recognizing and mapping the aspects of each practice: How does the word circulate, what procedures are used to better “understand” the problems among all those involved, what role do bodies, images, symbols, other aesthetics play, how is the memory of what is said constructed, how are spaces distributed so that the conversation is conducive, how is time managed for the conversation, are decisions made, how is the conversation carried out, and how is it carried out?


It is that methodology, process, space and/or tool developed and implemented by communities and civil society organizations with the intention of convening spaces for conversation and decision making on issues of common interest; among community members and/or with local authorities in which it is intended to achieve some kind of collective influence.